All Victoria Queensland

Establised and Located in Melbourne since 2019, Lifein Real Estate is a licensed real estate agency focusing on rent, buy, sale and  property management services. We uphold the business philosophy of Putting Customers First and are committed to provide professional one-stop services of property management.

Preferring our clients as friends, Lifein has always taken dedication, integrity, kindness, loyalty and attention to detail as our code of action, with a view to seeking maximum benefits for our clients. At Lifein, we recognize your property is a significant asset and manage it with expertise, attention and care as it’s our own property. Via advanced and faithful SaaS system and 7x24 multilingual services including English and Mandarin, as well as professional team group established both in Australia and China, supports our clients to timely understand the status of the sale, use and maintenance of the property, which avail Chinese landlords across the world who own property in Australia to manage their assets easier and faster. As a rising star in property management, with our excellent customer services and performance, Lifein Real Estate will be an iconic international brand in the coming year.

We aim at Setting Customized Service Standards and Further Promoting Standardized Management and Being the Specialized Private-Exclusive Housekeeper for YOU.




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Audition clearance rate of this week in Australia

Recording the busiest auction week since the pre-Easter spike, auction activity across the combined capital cities rebounded sharply this week, nearly doubling the number of auctions held last week during the federal election slump (1,672). With 3,229 auctions held across the combined capitals, the volume of auctions held this week was up 11.2% from the 2,905 held this time last year. After...

Mel at vero novum. Per et nobis tacimates concludaturque

Mentitum conceptam pro ex. Justo fabulas mea te. Vero habeo altera eos et. Eam latine labitur te. Porro idque deserunt ea nec, in eum primis appetere. Vero facilis cum cu, ut duo justo prompta. An offendit epicurei definiebas cum. Vim illum suscipit appareat id, ut aeterno eligendi intellegat est, ut per malorum maiorum delectus. Eu mundi persius legimus usu. Cum harum sanctus at, nec eu...

Eripuit blandit mnesarchum an eum

Mentitum conceptam pro ex. Justo fabulas mea te. Vero habeo altera eos et. Eam latine labitur te. Porro idque deserunt ea nec, in eum primis appetere. Vero facilis cum cu, ut duo justo prompta. An offendit epicurei definiebas cum. Vim illum suscipit appareat id, ut aeterno eligendi intellegat est, ut per malorum maiorum delectus. Eu mundi persius legimus usu. Cum harum sanctus at, nec eu...

Eripuit blandit mnesarchum an eum

Mentitum conceptam pro ex. Justo fabulas mea te. Vero habeo altera eos et. Eam latine labitur te. Porro idque deserunt ea nec, in eum primis appetere. Vero facilis cum cu, ut duo justo prompta. An offendit epicurei definiebas cum. Vim illum suscipit appareat id, ut aeterno eligendi intellegat est, ut per malorum maiorum delectus. Eu mundi persius legimus usu. Cum harum sanctus at, nec eu...